A Web of Things implementation

The Eclipse Thingweb™ node-wot project is the official reference implementation of the Web of Things (WoT) Interaction Model discussed in the W3C WoT WG.
The Web of Things seeks to counter the fragmentation of the IoT through standard complementing building blocks (e.g., metadata and APIs) that enable easy integration across IoT platforms and application domains.

node-wot provides a WoT Thing Description parser and serializer, several "Protocol Bindings" implementing the WoT Binding Templates, as well as a runtime system ("WoT Runtime") providing the WoT Scripting API for applications. It is based on Node.js and developed under open-source licenses on GitHub.
node-wot also provides a browser bundle to visualize TDs and to enable the interaction with Things from the Web browser. A simple example can be found here: WebUI.
It is not only a toolkit with some demo applications. node-wot enables you to create and experiment with real-world WoT applications.

We provide services to support exploring W3C WoT

TD Directory

REST interface for TDs.


TD Playground

Tool to check the validity of a TD.


Web UI

Running instance of a Web-UI.
